Westchester Commons Annual Holiday Tree Lighting
- Nov 18, 2022 | 7:00 pm
- 18043799292
- info@shopwestchestercommons.com
- www.shopwestchestercommons.com
You’re invited to our Annual Holiday Tree Lighting on Friday, November 18th at 7pm, back on Main Street at Westchester Commons!
Lots of FREE family activities, including Cookie decorating, making s’mores over fire pits and the incredible and infamous Hot Chocolate bar (from our friends from Hope Life Church), entertainment and a FREE Holiday gift item for the first 250 kids (ages 12 & under please)! PLEASE NOTE: THESE HOLIDAY GIFT ITEMS WILL BE DISTRIBUTED AT APPROXIMATELY 6:45PM, JUST PRIOR TO THE MAIN EVENT STARTING AT 7PM! LOOK FOR THE WESTCHESTER COMMONS TABLE NEAR THE CORNER OF X-GOLF!
Plus, don’t miss the arrival of Santa! He’ll stop by to help to light the tree to officially start the Holiday Season at Westchester Commons!
Bring the whole family out for all the Holiday fun!